Do You Have A Legally Binding Contract?

Hi planners, who is ready for a treat? So just like you when I started I struggled with getting a wedding planning contract that made me feel comfortable and secured. I didn’t have the funds to hire a lawyer and I always wondered if the generic information I found online and put into a document was really legal.

Well, no need to fear I have a solution for you that you will love. My attorney is the creator of an amazing website with templates and contracts for creatives in the event industry that will have you “Legally Set” at a fantastic price. 

There is a contract template specifically for you as an event planner and you can have access to it today. The good news is because she is my attorney I am able to get you 20% off this course by using my code RAEMETHOD.

Consider it my Thanksgiving gift to you.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I hope you enjoy your time with your family.


50% Complete

Two Step

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