A Quarter View

Hi planners, back in September I charged everyone to start working on the plans for 2021 for their businesses. If you will like to see that blog post click here 

Here is a quick snippet:

"This September I want you to write out the plans for your business for 2021. Think about what dreams and desires and goals you want for your business.

-What type of weddings do you want to do in 2021?

-What type of clients will you like to serve in 2021?

The question is what can you do now in the last months of this year to help set you up in the right position to achieve that goal by January 2021?" 

You should read the full blog post, I share some reflections from Forbes about 11 ways you can prepare. 

For today's post starting off the week and as the year comes to an end I want to make sure you did not read the post but you actually put it to work. I want to also push you a little further and ask that you break up the year into quarters. There are 4 quarters in the year and I want to challenge you to not just have high-level goals for your business, but break them down into quarters. 


Doing this activity will help you simplify and clarify your ideas and goals. For some people, you have big dreams and goals which sound great but when you break it down into quarters you are able to know what is realistic, what is achievable, and what is unrealistic. Putting the goals for your company in quarters also helps them seem possible, it takes away the overwhelm of asking yourself how I'm I meant to do all this" and allows you to sort the plans into pockets of time throughout the year so the goals build-up to one another. 


Start off with writing down the goals and desires you have for your business in 2021 and don't be afraid to dream big. I also recommend you have specifics for each month within the quarter. Think of the type of weddings you want to do, the type of clients you want to work with, the vendors you want to work with, the administrative things you want to accomplish within the business, write them all down including your financial goals for the business. Then break them into fragments for each quarter, write it all down/type it out and put it on a wall or on your notes in a place you can access it daily and remind yourself of what you are working towards. 


It will serve as a guide for you to stay on track with the objectives you set for your business and help you stay motivated and on track. I encourage you to take the time to do this now and don't wait till 2021. Let's make the best of the last few days of 2020. 


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