Patience Is Part Of The Process

inspiration planner Jul 12, 2020

Patience! That is such a strong word and it almost feels like when you hear someone say you need to be patient; it implies that your current state is opposite of that. As wedding planners and business owners, we work so hard on our business, and rightfully so we want to see our businesses succeed. Sometimes we put in so much work and when we do not see the results we get discouraged. 

I know exactly how it feels because for years I worked on my wedding planning business and I did not see the results as quickly as I wanted them to come. When I look back now over the last 10 years, I can see how each step led to the other and how certain experiences had to happen to empower me and propel me for the next.

Unfortunately, the need for speed is fueled by social media and we now have access to see what everyone else is doing and this breeds this unhealthy comparison culture where you think you are not making progress. I bring you some news today my people, Patience is part of the...

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